West Coast Content | Industrial Content & Marketing Services

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A West Australian Copywriting Agency

Helping you to achieve Creative Copywriting Solutions

The copywriting scene can be a weird, wide and wonderful world. Sitting within the larger landscape that makes up the creative industries, and serving a range of fields, markets and business ideas - the umbrella term, or job title of copywriter, can cover an incredible array of tasks and purposes in the modern age.

Different roles that could be considered part of the copywriting field include:

  • Journalism and journalists

  • Technical, bid and tender writers

  • Advertising copyists

  • SEO and digital marketing content writing

  • Social media marketers

  • Fiction writers

In times gone by, good copy referred to the writing of a quality and standard that was suitable to be 'copied' into multiple print formats, like newspapers, and distributed to the public for consumption.

Back in the day, this role would have mainly been occupied by busy journalists in thriving newsrooms across the globe - but, in 2020, the term has come to encompass so many more possible avenues - far and away above the humble trade of writing just for print.

Who uses creative copywriting agencies?

Everywhere you look now, you're sure to see examples of creative copywriting in action. From billboards to popup ads on the website you're scrolling through, to the ad on TV while you're waiting in the doctor's office - creative content remains central to many marketing avenues and content platforms still.

There are more possible uses for copy now than at any time in history, and in turn more opportunities for writers to branch out and offer their unique skill set, and tastes, to business and organisations around the world - in a multitude of ways. 

Unlike what you might think of when you hear the term associated with a business entity, writing for business can, and absolutely should, be a creative venture - as the best marketing and industrial content out there is generally done with a creative flourish that sets it apart from the pack.

That’s not to say that all business writing is creative - because most of it is simply words written to take up space, relying on the same old series of ‘buzzwords’ to try and spark some emotion in readers - while often fading into obscurity never to be seen or heard from again.

This realm of commercial writing can be a great escape for those with a knack for language; to branch out and away from the traditional writing bastions, and take up a new and creative challenge that is not only varied - but will also pay the bills, and often finance a nice holiday or two as well. 

Places to look for creative copywriting work in the business sphere (that you can charge for), include:

  • Linkedin

  • Seek, Indeed and other online job agencies

  • Relevant search terms on Google - e.g SEO Copywriter Perth

I can tell you this from experience: as a freelancer with big ambitions on his own content agency - I have secured work across each of these platforms  - and that has allowed me to change the way I work, and my lifestyle, beyond recognition.

My business clients are usually* stoked with what I come up with for them, and I love to deliver great copy also; knowing that it will be appreciated, and put to use in the marketplace - with a good chance of driving real-world opportunities for people scattered throughout our economic system.

To address this point, and from what I have seen so far, there is PLENTY of work out there for aspiring writers - who can put together good copy across a range of topics.

In other words, to be creative, regardless of the task at hand.

That said, there are certain companies and industry sectors that I personally just wouldn’t touch, and if you're starting out as a freelance writer, then I would encourage you to have your own personal boundaries well in place, before you start reaching out to, or dealing with clients who are inbound to your service.

If you're prepared, you can actually save yourself quite a bit of time by simply passing on the leads that you know won’t be a good fit for you, and your enterprise. 

If you are looking to start freelance copywriting; and applying your skills to business clients sounds appealing, you can expect to work on a nice range of tasks including:

  • Social media posts and ads

  • In depth blog posts and website articles

  • Email outreach campaigns

Of course there are many other avenues also - but at the centre of most organisations, is an awareness around the principal elements of content marketing.

These will often be required of you by your clients.

Each of these elements are different enough to be a challenge, while requiring you to tie in certain key themes across the board, and to underpin what we’ll call here ‘brand voice’. 

If you get good at these basics, your partners will start to LOVE you, and you can essentially charge what you want, for excellent performance.

This brings us to an important question, maybe THE most important question:

How and what do I charge for my copywriting/content writing services?

Down here in Australia, an acceptable rate for a professional copywriting service, with some runs on the board, can be from $50 per hour, up to $100 per hour,; if you think you’ve got the chops to charge that, and justify it to your clients.

For me, and at the moment, I’m happy to charge out my service at between $60 and $70 P/H, excluding our 10% GST.

This seems to be a happy medium, and is yet to raise the eyebrows of my partners in the business and agency realms.

It also means that with just a couple of reliable clients; I am earning a decent living - while largely at home.

This is the kicker.

While I could go to work five days a week and probably earn between $100,000 and 130,000 per year in a ‘job’; right now i'm generating about half that - with loads of time to dedicate to the other things in my life that I love to do, like writing personal blogs and hitting the beach for a fish or a run a couple of times per week - weather dependent of course. 

As my copywriting agency is almost brand new, and my client feedback has been very encouraging to date, I’m hopeful that with time and a consistent approach to quality content from me; that my client base will slowly grow with people and organisations that provide a great ‘fit’ in both directions.

I am happy to bide my time, and wait for those potential partners to come along that tick the boxes in terms of what I’m looking for; knowing that when i’m INVESTED into the goals of a partner, that I’ll be able to deliver top quality written content for them, and deliver some great business results. 

So what are YOU good at? What are you interested in, or have a burning passion to be involved in - either now or in the future?

If you can answer this question through some soul searching, and be honest with yourself around your values and desires - then it’s time to find those opportunities that will help to build up your own little empire of happiness. 

Believe me, once you start and get your first big win, even if that win is pretty humble in the eyes of others, your belief as a writer will grow overnight; and the next time you're put on the spot with a potential client, you’ll be amazed at how well you can articulate why they should be working with you.

E.g. because you're outstanding at what you do, and engaged in what they’re trying achieve.

So go forth - and get that first big win!

Copywriting for Industrial Businesses

As a writer with a background in the mechanical trades - my experience may be a little different to most - and steers me towards working with clients who inhabit that hard-working world.

In fact, this point is what separates me from my peers, and has even gifted me with a potential niche for my business to grow into by providing relevant content, in a language that is accepted by those inside it.

Now I’m not saying that you need to be an ex-tradesperson to excel in the word of business writing, or even for those who operate in the realm of heavy industries, like mining and resources, rail or civil works.

The benefits I've found, are that I am working towards my strengths, and in a space where I have real experience and an understanding of the places and people with who I’m speaking to and about. 

Whether or not this makes a difference - who knows. But I can tell you that it puts me more at ease knowing that I have a platform of real-world knowledge underneath me, when I meet with new clients or propose a content idea.

If you need a hand with SEO copywriting services for your Perth industrial company - check out our West Coast Content homepage.

From digital agency services to the establishment of an overarching content marketing framework - when you work to your strengths, everything will become a little clearer, and you’ll be operating and dealing with people in a more confident way - which, let’s face it, feels great and often delivers superior results for you and your copywriting partners. 

Writing for large businesses who occupy a leading space in their industry, can afford you the highest rates of pay that a copywriter is likely to attain.

And, it can help to keep your motivation on point, and your creativity firing if you feel like you are being deservedly compensated for the time and effort that you put into your service.

Is freelance copywriting a good career?

For the right person, the answer is absolutely yes.

And, if you are one of the right people, learning to apply your skills as an agent of business can be a career that lasts a lifetime, as with the advent of digital marketing tactics - written content has once again found a new avenue for growth as the web rewards more and more those who put time, effort and care into to the creation of their content - across all channels.

Becoming a freelance copywriter can allow you the freedom in life to roam from place to place, working remotely, while you spend more time doing the things you enjoy doing - and being able to sit down and get to work when you feel the spark - from anywhere around the world with a power supply, or internet connection.

If neither of those are available, a pen and paper can often suffice. 

This digital nomad lifestyle can be a great way to leverage the freedom a freelance agency or gig can offer, delivering you with a liberty that can not only be life changing, but also growth inducing.